February Recipes
Seasonal recipes for the month February. February still has plenty of seasonal food. Go for long storage vegetables, like carrots, onions and potatoes. Now is also the time to start tucking into your preserved or fermented foods.
Baked Potatoes with Creamy Chives filling
Enjoy this baked potato with a seasonal salad of grated carrots with sultanas and a simple dressing of olive oil and lemon juice.
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 20-25 minutes • Cooking Time: 35-40 minutes
Bean and Seaweed Soup
According to a recent study, regular bean eaters are 22 percent less likely to be overweight and have smaller waistlines than those who pass on legumes. Beans release energy slowly into the body, making them a great weight loss food. 'They are also high in protein and fibre, which satiates the appet...
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 10-20 minutes • Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Beans and Kale
Another simple, warming, winter recipe. Probably the easiest recipe I've ever written!
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 15 minutes • Cooking Time: 20-30 minutes
Beetroot with fishcakes
You can either buy pre-cooked beetroot or uncooked beetroot. Allow roughly 3 beetroots per person.
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 30-60 minutes • Cooking Time: 25-40 minutes
Cabbage and Noodles
A simple recipe with seasonal cabbage and noodles. Serve with fried banana for a sweet twist.
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 15-20 minutes • Cooking Time: 25-30 minutes
Curried Parsnip Soup
parsnips are a great winter vegetables and very versatile. this recipe is vegetarian, but you can make it vegan by substituting the yogurt for a soya version.
• Serves: 3-4 • Preparation Time: 10-20 minutes • Cooking Time: 20-30 minutes
Dutch sauerkraut and potato dish (Zuurkoolstamppot)
Another one of my favourite Dutch recipes. I make my own sauerkraut, but back in the Netherlands you could buy fresh sauerkraut from a fermentation bin. I doubt if you still can though... If you don't use all the sauerkraut, just keep it in the fridge and it will last for ages.
• Serves: 2-3 • Preparation Time: 10-15 minutes • Cooking Time: 20-30 minutes
Kale Mustard Pie
Kale, potatoes and mustard in super easy to make dish.
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 20 minutes • Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Lentil and Sheese Burgers
A vegetarian recipe, serve with potatoes and pickled vegetables or sauerkraut for a seasonal dish.
• Serves: 3-4 • Preparation Time: 10 minutes • Cooking Time: 40-50 minutes
Lentils with Piccalilli
This recipe is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Sadly most shop bought piccalilli contains gluten, but you can make your own! Recipe soon to follow...
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 300 minutes • Cooking Time: 60-80 minutes
Mung Bean and Kale Soup
Nutritional fact: Mung beans are a healthy alternative to meat. They are relatively high in protein, iron, magnesium and especially vitamin B6, which is needed for proper absorption of vitamin B12.
• Serves: 6-8 • Preparation Time: 5-10 minutes • Cooking Time: 30-45 minutes
Mustard soup with sauerkraut
Combine a classic mustard soup with (homemade) sauerkraut for a very healthy winter dish.
• Serves: 2-3 • Preparation Time: 10 minutes • Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Omelette with kale
A vegetarian omelette made with curly kale (kale) which is in season all winter! Remember, if you grow your own, kale is also in season in Summer.
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 20-30 minutes • Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Potatoes with sesame seeds
You can make it as spicy as you want by adding more or less chilli pepper to it. Serve this potato dish with pickled cucumber and (homemade) chutney. You can also add some (vegan) steaks or burgers.
• Serves: 2 • Preparation Time: 10 minutes • Cooking Time: 20 - 25 minutes
Salad with sauerkraut
Another tasty way of eating sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is lacto-fermented so shouldn't contain vinegar! Our sauerkraut is raw and real!
• Serves: 3-4 • Preparation Time: 10-15 minutes • Cooking Time: 0 minutes
Sauerkraut with goat's cheese
Another dish which uses sauerkraut. Sauerkraut can be eaten year round, but is more of a winter vegetable as it is preserved white cabbage.
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 20-30 minutes • Cooking Time: 60 minutes
Sauerkraut with lentils and potatoes
You can add meat to this dish, but the lentils are sufficient as a meat replacer. They are high in protein, fibre and iron and a range of different vitamins and minerals. Low in cholesterol and low in calories, lentils are a indeed a very healthy replacement for meat.
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 15 minutes • Cooking Time: 30-40 minutes
Sea Vegetable & Tofu Salad
This delicious Japanese salad makes a nice change to the usual lettuce salad and the dressing is something special!
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 10 minutes • Cooking Time: 0 minutes
Semolina Pudding
This vegan semolina pudding is made with Sproud, a dairy free, pea based milk alternative.
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 20 minutes • Cooking Time: 2 h rest minutes
Spelt Sourdough Vegan Pancakes
It takes a few days to get a sourdough starter going but once it’s active you can mix up your vegan pancake batter in the evening, let the magic happen overnight and cook these chunky pancakes for breakfast.
• Serves: 4-8 • Cooking Time: 15-20 minutes
Vegan Avocado Cheese cake
This cheese cake has a twist! It's made with coconut and not with actual cheese, so it is suitable for vegans and those with a lactose intolerance. Avocado's are in season in Spain in February.
• Serves: 8 • Preparation Time: 20 minutes • Cooking Time: >2 hours minutes
Wakame White Miso Soup
The golden colour and light, sweet flavour of this nutritious soup makes it a good choice during the winter months.
• Serves: 4 • Preparation Time: 10-20 minutes • Cooking Time: 5 minutes